Villy Søvndal på Go-card

SF er for alvor med på noderne. Se disse to Go-cards, hvoraf den med kvindehandel i første omgang rettede sig mod Roskilde Festival der havde tema om emnet:
Go-cards fra SF med Villy Søvndal og kamp mod kvindehandel

PS: Hvis du har et godt forslag til hvilken film Søvndal prøver at blive castet til, er det bare med at skrive en kommentar her. Første bud må være: “Socialisten der kom ind fra kulden”

4 tanker om “Villy Søvndal på Go-card”

  1. Jeg ved det ikke rigtigt… Jeg synes der er noget lige lovlig firser-retroatigt over det portræt – både vinkel, frisure og vindjakke… Måske er det en rolle som Crocket (aka Don Johnson) i nyindspilningen af Miami Vice ? (

    😉 Jesper

  2. Godt forslag – kan se det for mig. Villy entrer næste landsmøde med røgpumper og J. Hammers fantastiske musik som underlægning (-;

  3. iranian mujahedin in 1979 was a brutal terror group in iran- they worked with mullas in toturing, killing civilians in iran later they lost a power to mullas, and they moved 2 iraq helped saddam in raping , toturing, killing civilians in iraq – these terrorists are villy,s best friends in denmark => villy is stupid terrorist today- in 1990s these terrorists while they were refugee in denmark under SF party, Villys knowledge they traveled to saddams iraq and in iraq they called saddams right hand, in raipe, toture and killing in saddams prison, that is a reason mullas in iran feel themselves a big legitime power because their enemy like Villt Søvny is a terrorist and villy has a 1000s of civilians blood on his hand by supporting mujahedin and saddam in 1990s.
    today villy make probaganda under name of freedom of speech but in reality he make big conflict and preperation for a big war in future-
    so who is real terrorist her?
    iranian government or Villy Søvndal?
    -answer is villy søvndal: because 1- he 100% support the middle east worst terror grupe( by 10000s civilians blood on their hands)
    2- he involve in iran internal problem and make iran and middle east problems 100 time worse- because inside iran all people look at villy Søvndal and pia kærsgård as a outsider enemy – not a friend- so DF party and SF party make a new war her, while they have 100000 iraqi civilians blood on their hands.
    Welcome to Probaganda marked!!!
    Villy Søvndal hate iran-he is working with worst terror group called mujahedin-He helped saddam & mujahedin in killing ,toturing& raping of 10000s civilian in iraq -he is a criminal terrorist with 1000s civilians blood on his hands-he just making probaganda using hizbutahriri terrorist for make himself a legitime pilitician. Democracy is hostage her.
    Villy terrorist=mr probaganda= iranian Jihadist

    long live dialog and peace and democracy and justice
    Dansk folk party = hizbull tahris = terrorist & murders

  4. Denne kommentar til et over tre år gammelt indlæg er så smuk i sin forskruethed, at jeg (også i ytringsfrihedens navn) lader den ligge.
    Har overvejet om ‘Sami’ måske forveksler Villy med Lars Løkke? (-;

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